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FAQ: Callback Queue in Aloware
Laarni D avatar
Written by Laarni D
Updated over a week ago
  1. What is a callback queue in Aloware?

    A callback queue in Aloware refers to the list of calls that have been requested for a callback. These are calls where the contact requested to be called back instead of waiting in the queue. Aloware prioritizes these calls and assigns them to available agents when it's their turn.

  2. How does Aloware handle queued calls?

    All calls in Aloware are tied to ring group queues. When a call comes in, it is placed in the queue based on the time it was received. The call at the top of the queue is handled first. If no agents are available, the call stays in the queue until an agent is free.

  3. What happens when a callback is requested?

    When a callback is requested, the call is completed and removed from the queue. Aloware then initiates a new call to the contact at the appropriate time. This ensures the contact doesn't have to wait on hold and will be called back when an agent is available.

  4. How does Aloware decide which call to handle first?

    Aloware handles calls based on their position in the queue, determined by the time the call was received. The oldest call is handled first, even if it’s in a different ring group. Agents will always be assigned the oldest call in their ring group.

  5. What triggers Aloware to handle calls in the queue?

    There are three main triggers:

    1. Call Queued - when a call is placed in the queue, Aloware looks for available agents to handle it.

    2. Call In Progress - when a call is answered and pulled out of the queue, Aloware checks for the next call to be handled.

    3. Agent Availability - when an agent becomes available, Aloware assigns the highest priority call to them based on the call's timestamp.

  6. What happens if an agent becomes available while there are calls in the queue?

    When an agent becomes available, Aloware will immediately assign the oldest call in their ring group to them. If the agent is in multiple ring groups, the call with the earliest timestamp will be assigned, regardless of which ring group it belongs to.

  7. How is priority determined in the callback queue?

    In Aloware, priority is based on the timestamp of the call. The earlier a call was received, the higher its priority in the queue. This ensures that contacts who have been waiting the longest are served first.

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