By default, the Aloware Talk 2 Business phone will open to the Communications page, where you'll find a range of buttons and menus designed to simplify your communication tasks. Think of the inbox as your home page for customer communication.
Here's a breakdown of what you'll see:
User Avatar and Status Dropdown - Your profile initials and current status are displayed. Click the dropdown arrow to view your profile and modify your status.
Account Name - Your account's name is displayed for easy identification.
Current Status - Quickly check and modify your status from the dropdown menu.
Logout Button - Easily log out of your Aloware account when needed.
Search Bar - Swiftly search for specific contacts or messages.
Inbox Tasks - Categorize your communications by status, including "All", "Open," "Pending," and "Closed."
My Contacts - Display contacts assigned to you.
Sort button - Arrange communications by Newest or Oldest.
Inbox - Displays all communications in Aloware.
Inbox, Contacts, and Phone buttons - Easily switch between communication channels.
Learn what's in the Inbox menu in this article.