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Export communications in Aloware talk
Laarni D avatar
Written by Laarni D
Updated this week

Aloware's export communications feature enables admins to easily export the entire communication record of any contact, including calls, texts, and other interactions. This feature provides valuable insights into the relationship between your team and your contacts, all in a downloadable CSV file format.

Let's walk through how this feature works, its benefits, and the steps to use it effectively.

Why use export communications feature?

Exporting communications can help you:

  • Team performance tracking - review all communication details for a contact to assess how effectively your agents are engaging with leads and customers.

  • Compliance and record-Keeping - easily store a history of all interactions for auditing or regulatory purposes.

  • Data analysis - export the data to analyze call trends, response times, or communication outcomes in external tools like Excel or Google Sheets.

How to access the export communications feature

  1. Navigate to the contact view - in Talk, open any contact that you wish to export communications for.

  2. Export button

    1. In the top-right corner of the contact’s page, you will see the export communications button.

    2. Clicking this will trigger the export process, generating a downloadable CSV file of all communications associated with that contact.

What happens after export?

Once you hit the export button, a few things happen:

  1. Confirmation pop-up - after clicking export communications, a message will appear in the bottom left indicating that the contact's communications are being exported.

  2. Download notification - once the export is ready, you will receive a notification that the file is available for download.

  3. CSV file naming convention - the exported CSV file will be named using the contact’s name, followed by the date of export (e.g., diana-prince_2024-10-11_13-52-23-530380.csv).

What’s included in the exported CSV?

The exported CSV file contains detailed information for each communication made with the contact. Here's a breakdown of the data fields you'll receive:

  1. Contact ID - unique identifier for the contact.

  2. Contact number - the phone number associated with the contact.

  3. Contact name - the name of the contact.

  4. User number - the number used by your agent to communicate with the contact.

  5. Started at - when the call, text, or activity began.

  6. Status - status of the communication (e.g., completed, missed, failed).

  7. Type - whether the communication was a call or SMS.

  8. Direction - inbound or outbound communication.

  9. Disposition status - the outcome of the communication (e.g., successful, voicemail).

  10. Line name - the line through which the communication occurred.

  11. Text message - for SMS, the content of the message.

  12. Duration - the length of the call (if applicable).

  13. First-time caller - indicates if the contact is a first-time caller.

  14. Call disposition - the disposition for call specifically that the user selected.

  15. Voicemail - link to the voicemail (if applicable).

  16. Recording - link to the recording of the call (if applicable).

  17. Communication owner ID - the agent responsible for the communication.

  18. Communication owner name - name of the agent involved in the communication.

This comprehensive export provides a complete overview of all interactions, allowing admins to analyze communication patterns and agent performance.

Viewing communications in-app

Although the export provides a CSV format for deeper analysis, you can still view all communications directly within the contacts or communications pages in Aloware. This remains unchanged and allows real-time visibility into ongoing and past interactions.

Who can use the export feature?

Currently, only admins have access to the export communications feature. Here’s how permissions work:

  1. Admin access - admins can use the export communication button on any contact's page.

  2. Agent access - agents do not have access to this feature. The export communications button will not be visible for agent-level users.

To confirm this:

  1. You can log in as an admin and see the export communications option.

  2. If you switch your role or log in as an agent, the option will be unavailable.

How to change permissions

If you want to change a user’s permissions:

  1. Find the user and change their role (e.g., from admin to agent).

  2. This role-based access ensures that only designated team members can export communication data.

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