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UK A2P registration requirements for Aloware users
Laarni D avatar
Written by Laarni D
Updated over a week ago

Starting in January 2025, UK long codes that do not comply with the Know-Your-Customer (KYC) requirements will be at risk of being blocked. This could disrupt your ability to send messages or make calls, so it's crucial to ensure that all necessary registration steps are completed before this deadline.

Why KYC matters?

In the UK, businesses are required to complete KYC processes before using messaging or calling services. These regulations are designed to build trust and reduce fraudulent activities, ensuring a safer communication ecosystem. KYC data generally includes details such as a business name, physical address, and documents that verify the business' or individual's identity.

Types of UK numbers

  1. Local and national numbers

  2. Mobile and toll-free numbers

Compliance for local and national numbers

Requirements for individuals

Information required

Documentation required

Acceptable documentation


Proof of identity

  • Government-issued ID

  • Passport


Must be a valid United Kingdom address.

Proof of address

Government-issued ID showing local address

Utility bill

Tax notice

Rent receipt

Title deed

Emergency address

(if different from the address provided above)

Must be a valid United Kingdom address

No documentation needed

Date of birth

No documentation needed

Phone number

This must be a valid mobile number only where the customer can be reached. This cannot be a number which you've acquired from a CPaaS provider such as Twilio.

No documentation needed


No documentation needed

Comments (optional)

No documentation needed

Requirements for businesses

Information required

Documentation required

Acceptable documentation

(one of the following)

Business name

This is required for businesses not using a UK Companies House Registration Number.

Proof of identity

Excerpt from the commercial register

Registration authority

Non-profit organizations (charitable companies) that are not registered with the UK Charity Commission should provide with a registration certificate or tax document.

Proof of identity

Documentation is needed for businesses that do not have a UK Companies House Registration Number.

Excerpt from the commercial register

Business registration number

Documentation is required for businesses not using a UK Companies House Registration Number.

Proof of Identity

Excerpt from the commercial register

Website address

No documentation needed

Business address

Must be a valid United Kingdom address.

No documentation needed

Emergency address

If different from Business Address.

This must be a valid United Kingdom address if different from business address

No documentation needed

Authorized representative’s name

No documentation needed

Authorized representative’s phone number

This must be a valid mobile number only where the customer can be reached. This cannot be a number which you've acquired from a CPaaS provider.

No documentation needed

Authorized representative’s work email

Authorized representative should be a senior person in the company who is responsible for phone numbers.

No documentation needed

Business Classification

Specify if your business is a Direct Customer (using Aloware for internal or customer communication) or an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) using Aloware as part of a product you sell.

No documentation needed

Compliance for mobile and toll-free numbers

Requirements for Individuals


Documentation required

Acceptable documentation (one of the following)


Proof of identity

  • Government-issued ID

  • Passport


Must be a valid address. May be anywhere in the world.

No documentation needed

Emergency Address (if different from the address provided above)

Must be a valid address. May be anywhere in the world.

No documentation needed

Date of Birth

No documentation needed

Phone Number

This must be a valid mobile number only where the customer can be reached. This cannot be a number which you've acquired from a CPaaS provider such as Twilio.

No documentation needed


No documentation needed

Comments (Optional)

No documentation needed

Requirements for businesses

Information required

Documentation required

Acceptable documentation

(one of the following)

Business Name

Needed if the business does not have a UK Companies House Registration Number.

Proof of identity

Excerpt from the commercial register

Registration Authority

Required for non-profit organization not registered with the UK Charity Commission and businesses that does not have a UK Companies House Registration Number.

Proof of identity

Excerpt from the commercial register

Business Registration Number

If a UK Companies House Registration Number is not available.

Proof of identity

Excerpt from the commercial register

Website address

No documentation needed

Business Address

Must be a valid address. May be anywhere in the world.

No documentation needed

Emergency Address

(if different from Business Address)

Must be a valid address. May be anywhere in the world.

No documentation needed

Authorized representative’s name

No documentation needed

Authorized representative’s phone number

Must be a valid contact number.

No documentation needed

Authorized representative’s work email

Must belong to a senior company member responsible for phone numbers

No documentation needed

Business classification

Specify if you are a Direct Customer (using Aloware for business communication) or an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) offering Aloware in a product to your customers

No documentation needed

If you are an Independent Software Vendor (ISV), confirm whether Aloware numbers will be assigned to end customers (Yes/No)

No documentation needed

Comments (optional)

No documentation needed

By ensuring all your information is accurate and complete, you help maintain seamless communication through Aloware while adhering to UK regulations.

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