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Mapping HubSpot custom fields with Aloware
Laarni D avatar
Written by Laarni D
Updated over a week ago

Contact Property Mapping integrates HubSpot's custom fields with Aloware, allowing Admins to create new fields in Aloware, define data types, and sync them seamlessly with HubSpot. This ensures synchronized and accurate contact information across both platforms.


  1. Before you get started, make sure your Aloware account is connected to your HubSpot account.

  2. Only Admins can set up HubSpot mapping fields.

  3. Ensure you have created your custom contact fields in Aloware from the account > custom contact menu.

Setting up HubSpot mapping fields in Aloware

Step 1: Adding custom contact fields in HubSpot

To match HubSpot records with Aloware, you need to first create custom contact fields in HubSpot:

  1. Log in to your HubSpot account, click the Settings icon, then go to Properties in the Data Management section.

  2. Click the Create Property button to add a new property.

  3. Fill in the required details for the new property.

The custom fields you create will appear in HubSpot.

HubSpot group > Contact information

Field Name in Aloware

Field Type

HubSpot Description

First name

Single-line text

The contact's first name.

Last name

Single-line text

The contact's last name.

Phone number

Phone number

The contact's primary phone number.


Single-line text

The contact's email address.

Date of birth

Single-line text

The contact's date of birth. This is required for Facebook Ads integration in HubSpot and automatically syncs from the Lead Ads tool.


Single-line text

The contact's city of residence.


Single-line text

The contact's state of residence. This may be set through import, form, or integration.


Single-line text

The contact's zip code. This may be set through import, form, or integration.


Single-line text

The contact's country of residence. This may be set via import, form, or integration.


Single-line text

The contact's street address, including apartment or unit number.


Single-line text

The contact's company website.

Company name

Single-line text

The name of the contact's company. This is separate from the company's name property and can be set independently.

Contact disposition status


The contact's sales, prospecting or outreach status.

Contact owner


The contact's owner. This can be any HubSpot user or Salesforce integration user and can be set manually or via workflows.

Aloware contact ID

Single-line text

The link to the Aloware contact.

Time zone

Dropdown select

Example: UTC -07:00 America Los Angeles

The contact’s time zone. HubSpot can set this automatically based on other contact properties, or you can set it manually for each contact.

Last inbound text message date

Date picker

Last outbound text message date

Date picker

Last inbound text message

Multi-line text

Last outbound text message

Text area

Total inbound text messages


Total outbound text messages


Last inbound call date

Date picker

Last outbound call date

Date picker

Total inbound calls


Total outbound calls


Last inbound call time

Single-line text

Last outbound call time

Single-line text

Last inbound message time

Single-line text

Last outbound message time

Single-line text

Last call disposition

Single-line text

The outcome or status of the most recent call with the contact.

Line type

Multiple checkboxes

The contact's phone line type (Unknown, Landline, Foreign (International), Wireless, VoIP)

HubSpot group > Aloware properties

Field name in Aloware

Field type

HubSpot description

Last inbound text message date

Date picker

Last outbound text message date

Date picker

Last inbound text message

Multi-line text

Shows the content of the most recent SMS message you received.

Last outbound text message

Text area

Displays the content of the latest SMS message you sent.

Total inbound text messages


Total outbound text messages


Last inbound call date

Date picker

Last outbound call date

Date picker

Total inbound calls


Total outbound calls


Last inbound call time

Single-line text

Last outbound call time

Single-line text

Last inbound message time

Single-line text

Last outbound message time

Single-line text

Last call disposition

Single-line text

Indicates the outcome or status of the most recent to call with a contact.

Line type

Multiple checkboxes

Identifies the contact's phone line type (Unknown, Landline, Foreign, Wireless, VoIP)

Step 2: Adding custom contact fields in Aloware

  • Access HubSpot settings

    From Aloware admin, navigate to HubSpot settings from the integration menu.

  • Enable editing

    In the contact property mapping section, switch Enable editing.

  • Understanding mapping legends


Locked field indicates a field that cannot be modified.


Already mapped shows that a field is already mapped and cannot be mapped again.


Delete mapping allows you to delete an existing mapping.

  • Add a new mapping

    • Click the +Add mapping button.

    • Select the Aloware field and its corresponding HubSpot contact property.

    • Click Save to confirm the mapping.

  • Controlling synchronization - determine which fields to sync and the direction of synchronization:










For example:

  • Aloware phone number maps to HubSpot phone number.

  • Aloware contact disposition status maps to HubSpot lead status.

  • Aloware email maps to HubSpot email.

Mapping custom fields:

  • Aloware State maps to HubSpot State/Region. (HubSpot State/Field does not sync back to Aloware).

  • HubSpot Postal Code syncs as Zipcode to Aloware. (Aloware Zipcode does not sync back to HubSpot).

  • Contact Owner syncs on both platforms.

Note - Ensure that the data types match between the fields to maintain compatibility. For instance, avoid mapping a text field to a number field.

Step 3: Verifying and deleting mapped fields

Verifying mapped fields

In Aloware admin, click the Pull contacts button to sync contact information from HubSpot.

Deleting mapped field

  1. Click the trash icon next to the field you wish to delete.

  2. Click Save to confirm the deletion.

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