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Aloware-HubSpot Contact Property Mapping: Contact Disposition
Laarni D avatar
Written by Laarni D
Updated over a week ago

Synchronizing contact outcomes between Aloware and HubSpot is crucial for maintaining accurate records and reliable reporting. This guide walks you through setting up and syncing outcomes, ensuring smooth data flow between both platforms.

Why sync contact outcomes?

For managers, having synchronized contact outcomes helps track team performance, understand customer interactions, and make informed decisions.

Proper syncing ensures that outcomes are accurately reflected in HubSpot, improving customer relationship management and follow-up strategies.

Syncing Contact Outcomes to HubSpot

When you sync Aloware with HubSpot, Aloware automatically matches contact outcomes with the Lead Status in HubSpot. Contact outcomes in Aloware are locked, so they can't be changed or removed.

  1. Automatic Sync - Once you save the mapping, Aloware automatically updates HubSpot with the contact outcomes recorded in Aloware.

  2. Verify Sync - To check if the sync works correctly, call a contact in Aloware and set a contact disposition, sync it with HubSpot, and confirm that the outcome matches in both systems.

Syncing contact outcomes between Aloware and HubSpot ensures accurate tracking and reporting across both platforms. By following these steps, you can keep your contact outcomes up-to-date and consistent.

For more details on mapping properties between Aloware and HubSpot, refer to this guide.

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