Syncing contact dispositions to HubSpot
To sync contact dispositions between Aloware and HubSpot, you need to integrate both platforms. This allows Aloware to match contact dispositions with lead status in HubSpot.
Steps for syncing
Complete the integration
Before syncing contact dispositions, you must integrate Aloware with HubSpot. Follow this guide for setup instructions.
Automatic sync
Once you save the mapping between Aloware and HubSpot, Aloware will automatically update HubSpot with the contact outcomes recorded in Aloware. These outcomes are locked to maintain consistency and prevent changes or removals. For more information on mapping properties, refer to this guide.
Verify the sync
To check if the sync works correctly, call a contact in Aloware and set a contact disposition, sync it with HubSpot, and confirm that the outcome matches in both systems.
Syncing contact outcomes between Aloware and HubSpot ensures accurate tracking and reporting across both platforms. By following these steps, you can keep your contact outcomes up-to-date and consistent.