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Power dialer filters
Laarni D avatar
Written by Laarni D
Updated this week

Agents can easily filter and select contacts within the power dialer interface based on specific criteria such as tags or contact history. This customization of call lists reduces the need for admin setups and helps agents prioritize their calls more effectively.

By applying filters directly to the power dialer queue, agents can select contacts for immediate dialing without the need to create separate lists each time.

Aloware filters simplify the process of refining contact lists to meet specific criteria, making it easier to connect with the right contacts. This enhancement improves communication strategies and makes contact management more efficient.

Filter the contact list

If you have a contact list and want to call only certain contacts in a specific category, power dialer filters make this easy.

  1. Click "filters" and select the criteria for the contacts you want to call. This helps you focus on a specific group from your list.

  2. Click the "start dialing" button. The system will move contacts that match your filters to "my queue." Contacts that don't match will stay in the general list.

  3. By doing this, you can dial the chosen contacts more efficiently. The unchosen contacts stay in the general list, so you can call them later. This way, you won't miss calling anyone.

Filtering contacts in Aloware talk's power dialer

Aloware talk power dialer allows users to filter contacts based on various criteria, making it easy to manage and prioritize calls. Here's how the filters work:

Date and appointment filters

Date added, date of birth, appointment, reminder, last engagement, last inbound engagement, last outbound engagement, relative last engagement

  • Is - matches the exact date.

  • Is equal to - matches the exact date.

  • Is before - matches dates before the specified date.

  • Is after - matches dates after the specified date.

  • Is between - matches dates within a specified range.

Text-based filters

Email, first Name, full Name, last name, address, city, country, state, timezone, zipcode, company name, intake source, lead source, website

  • Contains exactly - matches exact text.

  • Does not contain exactly - excludes exact text.

  • Is known - filters entries with data.

  • Is unknown - filters entries without data.

List and ownership filters

Phone number, contact list, contact owner, disposition status, initial line, line, line type, ring group, tags, task status

  • Is any of - matches any of the specified options.

  • Is none of - excludes specified options.

  • Is known - filters entries with data.

  • Is unknown - filters entries without data.

TCPA approval

TCPA approved

  • Is equal to - yes or no.

  • Is not equal to - yes or no.

Sequence enrollment


  • Contact is enrolled - true or false.

  • Contact is not enrolled - true or false.

Communication counts

Count of communications, inbound calls, inbound SMS, outbound calls, outbound SMS

  • Is equal to - matches the exact count.

  • Is not equal to - excludes the exact count.

  • Is greater than - matches counts above the specified number.

  • Is greater than or equal to - matches counts equal to or above the specified number.

  • Is less than - matches counts below the specified number.

  • Is less than or equal to - matches counts equal to or below the specified number.

  • Is between - matches counts within a specified range.

  • Is known - filters entries with data.

  • Is unknown - filters entries without data.

Custom fields

  • Is and contains - matches exact content.

  • Is and not contains - excludes exact content.

DNC and opt-out options

  • Is - matches specific criteria.

  • Only contacts with DNC - filters contacts with DNC.

  • Only contacts without DNC and without opt-out - filters contacts without DNC and Opt-Out.

  • Only contacts without DNC and with opt-out - filters contacts without DNC but with Opt-Out.

  • Only contacts without DNC - filters contacts without DNC.

Status Filters

Unanswered, unassigned

  • Is equal to - true or false.

  • Is not equal to - true or false.

Multiple-layer filtering

Multiple layer filtering allows users to narrow down contact lists using "and" and "or" conditions. This feature helps create highly specific lists that meet precise criteria, enhancing the efficiency of the power dialer.

  1. And condition - combines multiple filters where all conditions must be met. For example, filtering contacts with a specific tag and a recent engagement date.

  2. Or condition - combines multiple filters where at least one condition must be met. For example, filtering contacts with a specific tag or a recent engagement date.

Using these combined conditions, agents can refine their contact lists to target the most relevant contacts, ensuring more efficient and effective communication.

Filter categories in Aloware Talk

Primary information

  • Date added

  • Date of birth

  • Email

  • First name

  • Full name

  • Last name

  • Phone number

  • TCPA approved

Contact location

  • Address

  • City

  • Country

  • State

  • Timezone

  • Zip code

Contact relevance

  • Appointment

  • Broadcast

  • Company name

  • Contact list

  • Contact owner

  • Disposition status

  • Initial line

  • Intake source

  • Lead source

  • Line

  • Line type

  • Reminder

  • Ring group

  • Sequences

  • Tags

  • Task status

  • Website

Contact communication

  • Count of communications

  • Inbound calls

  • Inbound SMS

  • Last engagement

  • Last inbound engagement

  • Last outbound engagement

  • Outbound calls

  • Outbound SMS

  • Relative last engagement


  • Contact communications owned by users

  • Custom fields

  • DNC and opt-out options

  • Unanswered

  • Unassigned

By leveraging these filters, agents can quickly access and manage their contacts more efficiently, ultimately leading to improved productivity and customer satisfaction.

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