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Broadcast cost calculator
Laarni D avatar
Written by Laarni D
Updated this week

At Aloware, we want to make sure you have a great experience with no surprises about unexpected charges. To help you understand the cost of sending a Broadcast, including any additional carrier surcharges, we’ve created the Broadcast Cost Calculator.

What is the broadcast cost calculator?

The broadcast cost calculator is a smart tool that estimates how much it will cost to send a broadcast. It takes into account several factors:

  1. Use of emojis - if your broadcast includes emojis, this can affect the cost.

  2. Message type - the cost may vary if messages are sent as MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) instead of SMS (Short Message Service).

  3. Sending line - the type of phone number you use to send the broadcast (e.g., toll-free number) can impact the cost.

Why use the broadcast cost calculator?

Using the broadcast cost calculator helps you avoid surprises when reviewing your Aloware credits later. The calculator provides an estimate of both the base cost of the broadcast and any additional carrier surcharges.

Broadcast cost calculator in Aloware Admin

Broadcast cost calculator in Aloware Talk

With this tool, you can plan your Broadcasts more effectively and manage your costs better.

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