The Broadcast feature in Aloware Talk allows you to send messages to a large audience effortlessly. In this article, we will provide you with a detailed guide on how to use this feature and give you an overview of what you can expect to find on its dedicated page.
You need admin permission to use the Broadcast feature in Talk. Admins can grant this through Aloware Admin > User Profile Setting.
Access to Broadcast
Exploring the Broadcasts Page
After clicking on the Broadcast menu, you'll be directed to the Broadcasts page. Here's an overview of what you can expect to see on this page:
Search Name Field - This field allows you to search for specific broadcasts by name, making it easier to locate and manage your communication campaigns.
Communications Date in 7 days - This displays the communication activities in the last 7 days.
Broadcast Status - The Broadcast Status section offers various filtering options, including 'New,' 'Enrolling,' 'Sent,' 'Paused,' 'Stopped,' and 'All.' By default, the Broadcasts page displays all activities, but you can use these filters to narrow down your view based on the status of your broadcasts.
Chart Graph - This graphical representation provides a visual overview of your broadcast activities, helping you quickly grasp the data trends.
Chart Type - You can customize the chart's appearance using the 'Line,' 'Area,' or 'Bar' chart types, depending on your preferences and the type of data you want to visualize.
Broadcast Table - The Broadcast Table is a comprehensive section that displays detailed information about your communication campaigns. Here are the columns you'll find:
ID - A unique identifier for each broadcast, helping you keep track of multiple campaigns.
Name - The name of the broadcast, providing a quick reference for your campaigns.
Status - This column displays the current status of the broadcast, such as 'New,' 'Enrolling,' 'Sent,' 'Paused,' or 'Stopped.'
Scheduled Time - The date and time when the broadcast is scheduled to be sent.
Pending Tasks - The number of tasks that are pending for the broadcast.
Failed Tasks - The count of tasks that have failed during the broadcast.
Total Tasks - The total number of tasks associated with the broadcast.
Engagement - This column provides insights into the engagement level of the broadcast.
Unsubscribed - The number of recipients who have opted out or unsubscribed from the broadcast.
Target Group - Details about the audience or group the broadcast is targeted towards.
Line Used - The communication line used for the broadcast.
Throttling - Information regarding throttling or rate limiting for the broadcast.
Date Created - The date when the broadcast was initially created.
Three-dot Menu - This menu provides additional options, including the ability to view specific activity details and delete the broadcast.